I propose a multi-layered approach to addressing people’s scant faith in the police department.
The first is to introduce legislation allowing the police commissioner and senior executive staff (deputies) to be elected officials with set term limits, similar to county sheriffs. The legislation would also have a recall provision, allowing the people to remove said individual if they do not have confidence in their performance.
The second, is to mandate monthly town halls on all three islands, where community members can voice their concerns about public safety issues, provide recommendations to the department, and provide feedback on the department’s performance. Every town hall would be recorded and all public comments/recommendations must be addressed by the department, or else penalties will be triggered. The police department will also have to report such findings to the Legislature.
Lastly, I will fight to increase the department’s budget to pay police officers a higher salary and hire more police officers, but also to restrict their overtime allotments as it is currently being abused. Funding for training police officers on best practices will also be provided.